When you think of burning calories and boosting your metabolism, you probably think about EXERCISE right away. You're correct in assuming that exercise is the best way to burn a large number of calories at one time, BUT, let's not discount small changes during the rest of the day that can add up to a BIG difference!
Just the simple act of standing burns 50% calories than sitting. Just think of all the opportunities you can create to stand and move around vs. sit if you get intentional about it. If you are spending a lot of time at home, your "commute" may consist of traveling from the living room to the kitchen over and over during the day. You may need to look for opportunities to move your body more often during the day in order to boost that metabolism! It's great for weight loss efforts, but it's also great for general health, circulation, and getting lots of oxygen to the brain! Move more! You won't regret it! Want more great tips? Head over to https://www.cathyrichards.net/free
Are there habits that you'd like to change in your life? Have you made New Year's Resolutions that may have already fallen by the wayside? We are surrounded by messages that results can happen overnight for whatever it is we are trying to achieve. Patience is not always in large supply! On the other hand, when we want to change something, magic can happen when we string a few days together, and then another few, and then another few.
In these last few days of January, it's a great time to rethink the way many of us approach change. In the first 30 days of working toward a new goal, it can be helpful to focus on changing our HABITS and ACTIONS in small step by step ways, rather than focusing on ACHIEVING certain results in 30 days. The results come in due time (and not sooner!) with consistent action, so think about "slow and steady wins the race". Want more tips? Head on over to https://www.cathyrichards.net/free He did it! Let me introduce Ensign Jeffrey Moxley, Surface Warfare Officer for the U.S. Navy! "Future Jeff's Problem" is how I begin my book "BOOM: 6 Steps to a Longer, Healthier Life". Let's just say that Jeff was not interested in changing certain habits when he was younger -habits that were standing in the way of his academic success. His reasons were pretty relatable - the consequences weren't serious and he was getting by just fine...until he wasn't. Jeff had a wake-up call in his freshman year of college and decided to change some habits. He just graduated from Purdue University and commissioned into the Navy on December 14, 2020. Yes, I'm one proud momma! He leaves for his first duty station in San Diego TOMORROW! Why am I sharing Jeff's success story with you? I'm curious what habit changes YOU have been putting off because the consequences haven't been that bad..for now. So many of our health habits seem like they are no big deal, but the problems start coming in the future. For good or for bad, we are all impacting our FUTURE HEALTH! What is a small change that you'd like to make to do your future self a favor? Send me an email at [email protected] and let me know! If you are a woman who has health and fitness goals for 2021 that you'd like support with, check out my masterclass and new program below. I'd love to have you! Starting off your goals for 2021, let's not start with "resolutions or anything else that is overly stringent or deprivation-based. If you need "willpower" to do it, then there's something missing with your approach. Want to hear more? Join me for my upcoming masterclass!
It's the last week of 2020! For many of us, the week between Christmas and New Year's includes a lot of downtime to reflect, rejuvenate, and get ready for the New Year.
If losing weight or shaping up are part of your wishes for the New Year, this is a great time to start thinking about what hasn't worked in the past and what you want to do DIFFERENTLY in 2021. If you try and fail again and again, there is nothing wrong with YOU. You are not alone! Many of us go round and round, gaining and losing the same five pounds. I just finished writing an article about how to get to the bottom of this problem and banish it for good! It's called "Three Reasons You're Struggling to Lose Weight...and the best action steps to get excited about working out again". Exercise is, of course, a key part of the plan, but so is mindset! If you want to change your mindset and your habits now to change your outcomes, click on the link below. Here's to a wonderful, healthy new Year! Holiday stress got you down? Think about challenging the "shoulds" of your holiday traditions and focus on those activities that have cherished meanings. Holiday cards, baking, shopping, and more - privilege to show your loved ones that you care or tasks that you have to do? Mindset makes all the difference! If you are choosing to do these things (or reminding yourself that you are choosing them), they will bring more pleasure. Once they land in the category of must-do, the joy tends to seep out. Listen to this one minute video for a quick reflection on bringing more meaning to YOUR holiday traditions. Wishing you all the best this holiday season!
Want to see what's in store for 2021 from Inspiring Vitality? Check out the button below! A strong body, sharp brain, and endless energy are three keys to living longer and healthier. The good news is that it doesn't have to be hard or complicated to make improvements in all three of these areas with just small changes in our daily habits. What is one small change that you can make in your eating or exercise habits that you can see yourself carrying into 2021?
If you want to assess how you are doing now in order to spring into 2021 with a better idea of what areas you can improve in, why not take my wellness wake-up call quiz? Let's start thinking now about how to make 2021 the best year yet! There aren't a lot of things I love in fitness more than WEIGHT TRAINING...especially for women! It's not that other forms of exercise don't also have benefits, but rather that the benefits of weight training are so underused! Just a very few off the top of my head include: stronger muscles, more independence, more stable joints, less risk of injury and falls, stronger bones, a faster metabolism, and an improved appearance at whatever weight you are. That means don't "wait" until "after" you lose weight to start. 1. You may be waiting a long time and 2. You can be happier with your appearance NOW if your muscles receive the stimulation of weight training!
Guess what else? It doesn't have to be extensive or complicated to get results! With no equipment at all or just a few small items, you can gain much benefit! A great way to take that first step would be taking my free mini weekend course to Jump Start Your Body and Mind for Exercise! You can grab it now at the link below! Did you know that the average person gains seven pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day? If that happens year after year, your waistline, your joints, and your heart health (among other things) will suffer. The reason for this is that unfortunately, many of us don't ever lose the weight we gain over the holidays. That means that holiday weight gain can be a significant contributor to our weight gradually creeping up over the years. Who needs that?
Luckily, it doesn't have to be that way! I have three tips to help you avoid holiday weight gain: 1. If you have a special event, especially in the evening, eat normally during the day leading up to the special event. Often, we skip meals or eat extra light before a special event, but all that does is cause us to arrive at the event famished. We end up overeating all the decadent foods and probably feeling stuffed as well. Better to eat normally during the day and the NEXT day, perhaps cut back a slight bit and make sure you get in a workout. 2. Keep up your normal exercise routine as much as possible. If you need to skip or shorten some workouts, that's not a problem and it's certainly preferable to not exercising at all. We need to keep working out to offset the additional calories that many of us will be consuming. 3. Whatever you do, don't say to yourself "I'll just worry about it on January 1." THAT is a recipe for the seven-pound weight-gain! Get rid of the all-or-none mindset and plan to enjoy the holidays AND keep a bit of balance going with some normal eating and exercise habits. You can definitely do both and you will thank yourself come January 1 when you are ready to start off the New Year with good habits still in place! Here's to a happy and HEALTHY holiday season! It’s Thanksgiving Week and one of the things that I am thankful for is that it’s never too early or too late to make even small lifestyle changes that will deliver meaningful results.
If you are in your younger years, start NOW to gain strength, mental clarity, energy, and prepare your body to age healthfully! If you are older, we are all fortunate that the human body responds to exercise even at advanced ages. Your muscles are capable of getting stronger and you can increase your quality of life. It’s truly never too early or too late. NOW is always the right time to pick a few small habit changes that you’d like to make to be healthier! |
Inspiring Vitality TodayYour catalyst for intentional living and longevity.
It's never too early or too late to make small changes that can have a big impact; why not start TODAY? |